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This blog is about setting up the Nearly Naked food cart business and how I am using the Law Of Attraction to make it happen. To get the full story, be sure to start at the first post: In the beginning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More kudo's

I had another meeting with another SCORE counselor last Friday. He looked over my business plan (almost done), my spread sheets, and said everything looks good.

Mr. Penn is very familiar with the food industry. He has several investments of his own and is involved in counseling several others. He even has a couple clients with vegan fare so he is familiar with that as well. He made a couple of suggestions, fixed a typo (would have caught that in one of my future reviews anyway) and basically said everything looks good.

Now I just have to finish up the paperwork, cross the i's and dot the t's, and look for an investor. I think I'll be ready to launch in a few weeks.


  1. It sounds like your priced yourself right out of business before you started. Your idea for doing this business was because it was a cheap start-up. Now you want investors and that takes away your profits, delays things, and puts the whole idea off and out of your control. Investors will not want to put money in a one-man show because if you fall, the whole house of cards collapses.

    You have a lot of talent. You can make money many ways. Do some handyman stuff to make money and do this on your own. Start it up without investors if that is what you want. Otherwise, choose something that will make you immediate cash. You don't need a business license to earn money as a handyman, just start doing it, make some money and make it legal later.

    It was a great idea. You should just do it.

  2. Before you take some investors money, will you inform them of your medical issues?

  3. I see you have made lots of progress in the last three weeks.
