You can't start a business without at least some planning. And you can't attract investors without a business plan. Business plans need several things, one of which is a profit and loss statement. In order to generate a profit and loss statement you need to do thorough startup & running cost analysis' and income projections. So that's what I've been working on for a while.
I've been doing extensive research into what is going to be needed to start, what will be needed on an ongoing basis, and predicting income, using a combination of what I've read and what I've observed. The startup cost is a little more than expected, but can bee whittled down if needed. But the running numbers - income projections minus running cost - look fantastic! I haven't dotted all the "i's" yet, but I think I've crossed all the "t's". So there's a little more tweaking to go yet. But what i have won't change much.
Startup Costs: $25-$30,000
This includes loan payments and an "executive" salary of $1,200 for 3 months. As well as all equipment, supplies (cups, plates, etc.), food, kitchen rent and a helper for 3 months.
Most businesses consider a startup cost amount to include 6-24 months running without income, depending on the type of business and other factors. Sometimes 36 months. I'm only including 3 months because in this type of business I should be making at least some profit right out of the gate.
Running Costs: $11,208.77/mo.
This is based on doing 3 markets/week and 180 customers/show or 1215 customers/mo. Based on what I've observed and what I've read, I feel this is a conservative estimate. It includes all food, plates, help, insurance, loan payments, everything.
Income: $26,946/mo.
This is based on the same assumptions as above and using normal food booth prices.
Bottom line: $6,842.09/mo.
Not bad for doing only three 4 hour shows/week. Of course there is at least that much time or more spent in the kitchen and show setup & break down as well as administrative time, but still, not bad.
Are things coming together or what!!
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