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This blog is about setting up the Nearly Naked food cart business and how I am using the Law Of Attraction to make it happen. To get the full story, be sure to start at the first post: In the beginning.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I got it!

I went to the BOA office yesterday to get t temporary permit to sell my bowls on Harbor St. (tourist area) and at farmers' markets. Pamela was kind enough to let me use her address on the permit since I don't have one. The very helpful lady said I should get a permanent one and just change the "what you are selling" part later when I start the food booth. So I did. Step one complete. I have the first permit. Just two more to go.

Speaking of permits, I also went to check on the health department permit yesterday. A little bad news there. It's $500. Ouch!! Oh well, it'll come.

One more piece of side news. Pamela suggested I keep a blog of what it's like to live on the street. So I started a blog about that and the personal side of starting this business. Check it out!

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