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This blog is about setting up the Nearly Naked food cart business and how I am using the Law Of Attraction to make it happen. To get the full story, be sure to start at the first post: In the beginning.

Friday, September 23, 2011

More smoke

I've been thinking more about my earlier consideration of starting this on the super cheap. I now think it's a bad idea. I'm going partly on gut feeling, and partly on past experience.

After reviewing all my numbers & research, including advice from what I've read, to do this right is the only way to do it. I've come up with a scenario of starting with $5,000, but even that makes things very tight and puts way too much pressure on all involved. Also, from what I've read, it's easier to find $100k of investment than it is to find $5k. Investors just aren't interested. The best scenario calls for $40 startup. I guess we'll see what the investors have to say.

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